Thursday, June 16, 2016


Sorry that I have been away. On the 4th of June I had to make the awful decision to put my dear kitty, Whisper, to sleep. I have been his fur momma since he was 8 weeks old and at 15 years, his kidneys were failing. It's been a hard couple of weeks and I have a long way to go. He was my special kitty and I miss him terribly.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

New Art

I've got a new monochromatic animal started! Meet the snow leopard! She is being painted in light blue violet on 12x24 canvas.

The recent show at the Grapevine, Texas Main Street Fest was a great weekend! Thank you to everyone who came out to see me! I began painting the snow leopard at the fest and I hope to get her done soon. I also painted and sold this pretty kitty...

She's done in a combination of ink wash and watercolors.

I hope everyone is having a great week!